Ok so i have donated my Twisp Cue to my mother yesterday,
About two weeks ago i went past there visiting with my cue and i showed it to her and she used it for the whole day i was there,
So i decided to give her mine as i already stopped smoking and now she can stop smoking, so far its going...
It seems my pod is also cracked and leaking. Didnt vaoe on it whole day yesterday and it was drenched in juice now when took it out. Check the hairline cracks. If you use a flash right against the pod ypu can see it more clearly
Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk
Minikin V2 Raw with orange and black rubber cover
I stripped the rubberized black of as it was peeling.
Good working condition, few scratches and atty wobble
Authentic item
Centurion by night and Woodmead by day
Too much mods need funds for other stuff
Sent from my VTR-L09...
Sigelei fuchai 213 x 2
R650 each or R1000 for both
Good condition paint of carbon is stripping. Both are wrapped.
A few good months of age
Authentic items
Centurion by night and Woodmead by day
To much mods, need funding for other stuff
Sent from my VTR-L09 using Tapatalk