Got some BVC coils today, popped one in my Nautilus, here is my first impressions:
1) Takes a bit of time to wick properly - I would suggest leaving the initial juice to soak in for at least a minute or two (longer if you are using a higher VG based juice)
2) Start out with a low wattage and...
Where/how did you order the newer flavours from Just B - I see Sub Ohm Vapor carries them, but non of the newer flavours. Any other channels you can recommend?
Vaping in public, in my opinion, should really be done while being considerate of other people that, in the majority, do not smoke. The very last thing I want is for Joe public to just toss us into the same thought bin as analogue smokers
Rather show them that we can co-exist without mucking...
My top tip (works for me) - Brush your teeth and tongue as per usual, gargle some Listerine; wait for about 30 mins and try again. Let me know if this works for anyone else as well (Warning, @Rob Fisher - your results may vary, since you are already a menthol man :D)
Personally I try and be considerate as possible:
1) Use a juice that does not smell strongly when exhaled (so no 5 Pawns Gambit at the workplace for me)
2) Keep inhaled vapour in my lungs about 5 seconds longer (this reduces the amount of vapour on the exhale)
3) Ninja exhale downward
So far...
Has anyone tried out some Koh Gen Do Organic Cotton yet? According to Mr Busardo it gives a much cleaner taste than the normal organic cotton we would typically buy in stores, and wicks much better to boot.
I see it is being sold on eBay, just not sure whether I should get some of this stuff...
Funny you should say that, I only really noticed this as recently as this past Friday while at a company social event. We were having some beers, one of the guys was happily smoking on his stinkies, and he tried an eGo device before, but went back to the stinkies as he was a bit unsatisfied...
I'm itching to place an order and get some of the Nautilus Mini Coils, but would also really love to get my hands on a Copper Nemesis at the same time
Any chance you could get them loaded on the site?
Lol, I'm using the exact same setup a I sit here and type this (same batteries, mod and atty). Alost same resistance as well, my build is at 0.4Ohm
Been using these batteries like this for a few months now, so far no issues :D Happy vaping man
And I just know that a spinner would not do these coils justice - and my Sigelei 20W is just too much of an unpocketable beast; so it means I'll have to get a Cana 30W or an IPV V2 to do it justice while also being pocket friendly :confused: I need to sell some stuff one of these days
Same here baksteen - oh the agony :banghead: But I know it's going to seriously float our boat the way all the reviewers go on about it...staring at the VapeClub website right now...
Agreed, I wasn't very happy when I found out (glad I never attempted some silly, ridiculously low ohm builds on my Red Efest 26650's :shake:). Kinda sucks when you think you got a winner only to find out what you got is not that kick-a$$ after all