#Post 1
Well, here is a kind of story.. First of all I'm very grateful to my father Alex for all he's done for me, for all time and efforts he spent to raise me. Althou I haven't followed his footsteps (in career etc.) he's tought me a lot. Another thing to thank him - my passion for travels...
I like custards of all kinds)
3mg Nic
70/30 VG/PG
Chubby Gorilla bottle
@dunskoy @Largo
Congrats, @Jean claude Vaaldamme !
@dunskoy @Largo @hot.chillie35
These are really outstanding mods, those colors look brilliant, I love patterns like these on resin plates. The hardware is also top-rated, gene chip is cool,
great job, @VOOPOO and thanks for the contest!
This is a cool, lighter-styled kit. Looks very comfy and small. The 650 mah battery is more than enough for such a small kit, and the omni-board is a perfect hardware. I like the steel one, looks awesome, almost zippo)