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  1. SmokelessFire

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thank you very much @BumbleBee :-)
  2. SmokelessFire

    Happy 1 Year To ECIGSSA

    A very happy happy to Ecigssa!! :clap::dance::party:
  3. SmokelessFire

    Why Do You Vape?

    I'm probably going to be the exception that proves the rule: I was a "social smoker" at worst and a non smoker at best. Recently (about the beginning of 2014) I started looking into pipe and cigar smoking. Particularly pipe smoking. This appealed to me on various levels, especially the...
  4. SmokelessFire

    How much time do you spend browsing ECIGS SA

    Way too much - i check at work just to check the latest reply and/or review. In the go via tapatalk and obviously at home in the pretty much 75% of the time... addicted much?!
  5. SmokelessFire

    MVP 2

    @Moist have you had any offers yet? Still for sale?
  6. SmokelessFire

    The Juices

    Totally random question @Moist - what were your symptoms if you don't mind me asking?
  7. SmokelessFire

    Doing A " Silver " - What Does This Mean?

    Hectic @Silver, know how you feel. At varsity I bummed a few analogs off a friend. Unbeknowns to me, she smoked 18mg while I was a social smoker at most! Needless to say - i did a silver about 30min into the party! Not. Good. At. All.
  8. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thank you @Silver - will have a look at that.
  9. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Will do the YT thing, but no stores in my area...:(
  10. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thank you, much appreciated!
  11. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thank you, all very valid points. As I'm a noob, I have no reference regarding good vs bad quality. But as a noob, I want something which is the least hassle and will last the longest. And obviously a mod which I can use other rba/rda's with without hassles.
  12. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Mind you, this bundle is also available: 26650 Panzer Mechanical mod clone by Yeahsmo (Black / Silver) 2 x 3500mah 60A 26650 Efest Purple Series batteries 26650 Patriot clone by Yeahsmo 5M 26G Kanthal 5 x Organic Cotton balls It is a 26650 instead of 18650 though - your thoughts?
  13. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thank you, some pretty solid advice. Now I clearly have some thinking to do! lol.
  14. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Pricing of the bundle is R1450. Which IMO is not too bad?
  15. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thank you for your input. Did look at mech options, but as I said in my original post - *only* thing that worries me is venting the battery. Does one work off an ohm chart or is there a set limit to how low the ohms can be on a mech - so just don't build less than that? Flavour? Which is...
  16. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Thanks for the input @Andre The VTR bundle consists of the following: Innokin Itaste VTR - Jungle Camo Aspire Nautilus Clone 1 box Aspire Nautilus coils 1 Kraken RBA Clone by Hcigar 5M 26G Kanthal Sounds pretty decent - especially since the VTR doubles as an Ohm meter. Just need to get...
  17. SmokelessFire

    Noob Question: VTR or MVP2 for RBA/RDA's?

    Hello everyone, OK, so I've decided to jump in and get myself 'n mod. Wanted to go mech, but I'm a bit wary of shorting and venting batteries; so I'll stick to regulated mods for now. I really want to use RBA/RDA's on my mod - not necessarily for clouds, but I understand it brings out the...
  18. SmokelessFire

    Mvp 2 & Joytech 1000mah Passthrough & Kraken

    @Gareth any of these items still available?