Wow @Silver that is very impressive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with note taking and being who you are at what you do. I'm actually impressed at how you have gone into so much depth in your vaping journey.
I wish you the best of luck for the month of September. I think my juice...
I think the event was one for the record books. One of the best events Iv been to.
One concern was the food stall, having only 1 with so many people did cause a few headaches.
I must tell you I can't vape that on its owns Iv been mixing it with fruit flavours and it's been amazing.
I think only the Incredible Hulk can Vape the cool menthol on its own
I have a Aromamizer supreme if you would like to trade for that? Iv used it for about a week and haven't needed it since then. I am I'm JOzi but will you be down for Vapecon?
Thank you Vapeking and especially @Stroodlepuff for the prize and giveaway of this beautiful OFE hamper. You guys truly are the best and wish only the best for you guys with your new stores.
At that resistance run it at a max of 60w that's my opinion.
Do you often get a burnt cotton taste at 120w? If yes then it's definitely to high for that build either way I think it's very very high.
So far it looks like everything. Lol
But defiantly going to capitalize on the vapor mountain special - XXX by the litre.
Will then buy another 8-10 batteries. Possibly another device depending on which one strikes my fancy.
Some more atomizers and All of Paulies and Orion's new juices and...
What is the ohms reading on your device? You may be using too much power at 120w
I normally fire 0.15ohms at about 90w that's my preference, and it works quite well. Still get plenty vapor and great flavour.