It is sad but like this has been said before what about those of us that use mechs only.
I have only 1 vw device the other 3 are mechs.
I never had an incident.
So I agree the onus should be on the stores selling mechs,there should be a test given to people wanting to purchase mechs.
Item wanted:TESLA NANO 120W
Price Preference:ANY
Condition:GOOD (any colour except the copper)
Age of the item:ANY
Location of item:GUATENG
Reason:Miss my one that died
Picture here (if it helps describe what you looking for) :
Item for Sale :- Vaporesso revenger,wotofo bravo tank,vgod elite RDA,lg chocolate batteries
Selling Price :- R600 not willing to split items
tion :- Vaporesso 5/10 cos usb does not work and mod has a few chips,vgod elite RDA 8/10,wotofo bravo tank 9/10,lg batteries 8/10,eeverything's working...
I use Samsung 25r on some of my mechs but don't build below 0.18 ohm and have no issues.I use Lg Hb2's for 0.18 to 0.11 also with no issues.
If you want a battery that can handle higher amp limits I would recommend the Sony vtc5a as vaping bogan uses them down to 0.09 ohms safely but he's a pro.