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  1. Silent Echo

    Aio aye or nay?

    It will make a very good backup device and you can use your 70VG juice in there, no problem. You also get a few coil options for the AIO. Just remember that the AIO is a more mouth to lung device.
  2. Silent Echo

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Whats in the feta container? :D Classic packaging from the one and only @Rob Fisher. Thank you Rob :banana:
  3. Silent Echo

    Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

    Congrats @DarkSide :)
  4. Silent Echo

    What's in your hand right now?

    Theorem on the vtc mini with some scream and hazelnut cigar
  5. Silent Echo

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Thank you @Rob Fisher ! :banana:
  6. Silent Echo

    What's in your hand right now?

    Vaped a few flavours today, but right now, Velocity mini on the cuboid with some DDD :)
  7. Silent Echo

    VapeClub - Laisimo L1 200W and KBOX 120W - Inflation beaters!

    WOW, great prices as usual @JakesSA.
  8. Silent Echo

    Rob's Ramblings

    You have them already from when you sent me the cubis :D but I'll pm you now. Thanks again. You are a legend.
  9. Silent Echo

    Rob's Ramblings

    Yay! I won! Thank you Mr @Rob Fisher!
  10. Silent Echo

    Flavour of the Week

    @Richio, what percentage do you think I will need to use for the shisha chai tea?
  11. Silent Echo

    BLCK Flavour - Inawera Thread

    My friend an I ordered some yesterday. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the chai tea shisha concentrate!
  12. Silent Echo

    Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

    Haha, indeed! I'm so glad I have a working coil. It's a night and day difference.
  13. Silent Echo

    Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

    I was using the 0.5 coil that came with the Gemini and had a dry hit here and there and occasional leaking. Had to do the top cap trick to release bubbles, etc. I bought a 0.9 ohm ccell coil today and man, what a difference. Unpacked the coil, primed it and pulled a few times without firing...
  14. Silent Echo

    Rob's Ramblings

    Blue, red, green, purple. Nice Give-away Rob!
  15. Silent Echo

    Introducing ECIGSSA Competitions

    Nice one! Looking forward to this!
  16. Silent Echo

    Reo for sale

    PM sent.
  17. Silent Echo

    SOLD - Velocity Mini RDA

    Sending you a PM
  18. Silent Echo

    SOLD - Velocity Mini RDA

    Hey there, is the Velocity mini BF capable?
  19. Silent Echo

    Back to REOville!

    Prior to the ss coil, I had a 26/32 Clapton 6 wraps in there. Maybe I'll try the Clapton again.