Search results

  1. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    What's in your hand right now?

    Taking it easy today on the Minikin v1.50 with a Subtank Mini 26 gauge 8 wrap coil running at 1.00ohm with DIY Dem Apples
  2. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    What's in your hand right now?

    Thanks to the guys at Vaperite in Melrose Arch for hooking me up
  3. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    DIY Store in Johannesburg

    Thanks Kieran will definitely drop by tomorrow, always love the service at your store
  4. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    DIY Store in Johannesburg

    @NewOobY I see you sell premixed concentrates that can be added to diluting liquid. Do you perhaps have a peaches and cream concentrate?
  5. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    DIY Store in Johannesburg

    Hey Vapers, Are there any stores in Johannesburg that sell DIY equipment and liquids? Not looking to order online.
  6. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    That makes me feel happy inside :clap:
  7. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    PIF Juices

    Yes please definitely needed
  8. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    Does this reduce ramp up time?
  9. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    How would you effectively use the pre-heat functionality?
  10. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    Besides the fact that I don't have lungs of steel, I also can't afford to go through so much juice at 213W. Will be getting the Fuchai and hopefully won't be disappointed
  11. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    Definitely won't need that many watts but just wanted to be certain
  12. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Sigelei Fuchai 213 Max Wattage

    Hey Vapers, I'm looking to buy the Sigelei Fuchai 213 but I'm a bit confused around the Max Wattage. According to the product description, the maximum is 213W but can only two batteries really push out this much power?
  13. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Twisp Vega

    "The Twisp Vega is suitable for both Mouth Inhale (MI) or Direct Inhale (DI) Twisping (Direct Inhale Kit sold separately)." How you going to sell a separate kit for something that should be included?
  14. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Twisp Vega

    At least they trying shame...
  15. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Twisp Vega

    The Twisp Vega is a new category in the Twisp range. It offers a host of features for you to enjoy. The Vega offers greater power, increased battery capacity and is the first Twisp device to introduce advanced control electronics. Its Variable Wattage Control makes consistency in performance...
  16. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Do we have a chance?

    Once you have that special juice, market it with everything you got. If you believe your juice is awesome then make people believe it too. Here's an interesting article around that: To me 4 things will make me buy your...
  17. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Nebox not charging

    Hey Vapers, So I recently traded my TC60W with my cousin for his Nebox and it worked fine while we were drinking and vaping away. When I got home and plugged it in to charge it shows the bars building up for about a minute and then shows full battery. So i pressed the fire button and the...
  18. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Premium vs DIY

    What do you guys believe makes a flavour good and tasty? For me its a flavour that I can vape all day long and not feel nauseous or get "dik" of it too quickly. For example I got a 100ml bottle of a certain flavour (not saying names) and I could only vape 10ml before feeling like it's too...
  19. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Device advice

    Welcome to the forum Helen I've been searching for the same thing and have my eye on the new iJust S Starter Kit. - It's a 3000mah battery so it gives long battery life - It is a "press the button and vape" type of mod so no need to fiddle with settings - I expect it's an improvement from...
  20. BrizzyZA (VapeLife)

    Premium vs DIY

    Do certain Premium juice makers create unique concentrates that are not available to DIY? For example extracting the essence of a boerewors to make a unique ejuice? (Boerewors is just a random example)