My wife sent me photo's of this incident.I've been trying so hard to convince her that vaping is not that dangerous...well this put me back a few Stepps.
@Ruwaid yeah man its amazing with the salts.but I got a vandyvape simple ex to use the salts.I over vape the salts in the siren because the flavour is so will be using freebase high nic in the siren now
@Silver thank you sir for the info.much appreciated. I have some 48mg gold nic.
And a shout out to group member @Ruwaid for my siren 2 24mm.loving this tank so much I might go full mtl
Hi Silver
Wanna ask you about the Havana Nightz that you use for it the mtl specific or are you using the normal 70/30 and making changes to this to suite your needs?
Hi all,I'm getting a mtl rta soon and would like to mix some red pill 50/50.probably start on 9mg I alter the recommended 22% or is this still good?
When I get new juice or to test my diy juice.I use the wasp for this.don't think I have really gotten much better bang for buck from any other rda/ it
Item looking to trade:vandyvape pulse bf kit(mech kit)
Age of the item:unknown
Location of item:east rand
Delivery/Collection:to be arranged
Reason:been off stinkies for almost 3 weeks using the breeze 2.buying coils every 2 days is just killing me and can't afford it at the...