3mm fits in nicely. Did mine in 3mm 26g UD Clapton 6 wraps ( But I think 5 will be best) with CBv2 coming in at a nice 0.46 Ohm. Going like a boeing first time. Love my big verticals!
I notice you guys are wicking from the top down? Something I picked up on the way to easily wick verticals from...
One thing I'm always on the lookout for is quality nippers. It seems the quality is dropping yearly and with the latest chinese crap, they don't even bother sharpening or aligning the tungsten carbide tips anymore. One can only maintain and sharpen a good set for so long before they need to be...
I think the most cost effective way to get unglazed, non-porous porcelain tiles in various shades, especially if you're not going to used them as perfect squares, is to simply make them yourself. The clay and additives ( silica, oxides for colour, etc ), are more readily available and one can...
Definitely deserves it! I've been going through an Irish phase the last few months, and plain old Tullamore is tops in that price category for me too. It's now my go to end-of-the-month option.
Lately, my local has been stocking Redbreast. Bit pricey and don't know how it will stack up against...
Don't put yourself down (...that's what friends are for :-D). You've got the skill. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and taking that first step. My wife was mostly doing decorative mosiac's before she stumbled onto Ed Chapman's works. This totally inspired her to try something like...
Also have a Zephyrus, but for TC coilheads, the Goliath V2 is boss for me.
The Goliath V2 is like a cross breed between the Goblin and Zephyrus tanks. The better Goliath V2 ROCC Ni200 coils is what the Zephyrus's should've been. Also in a ceramic cup, but larger and fully exposed (as opposed to...
Ossim, definitely moving up to Nr 1 on my DNA200 list
Found this interesting.
Where the name/idea comes from:
When she gets the time, my my wife loves doing mosiacs. Here' some of my favorite works of hers:
Audrey Hepburn:
Self Portrait of us (One of her earliest endeavors into portraits, but still my favorite. Was amazing to see transform from a board and a pile of porcelain tiles into this):