So been vapin on this with the IGO W4 for the last hour now, and it remains an awesome vape. It drinks juice though like a fish and each refill only lasts about 8 toots. I would love to try this on a Marquis! But since mine is en-route I will try it on the Dig Dripper later on today....
This is one AWESOME coil and now my study looks like the inside of a cloud!!
I took the smallest syringe needle I own, some 28G Kanthal and Dischem cotton and my DIY RY4 NET, 90% VG. Turned out to be a .7 Ohm coil.
In 7 months of Vaping I have NEVER had clouds like these and yes the flavour is...
I have eyes on this thread since I am also one of those who change my cotton 3 times a day!
Looking for something that will last at least a day or two.
I have a BigDripper and I hate it to bits, just cant seem to get the hang of it... HOWEVER, it does make enormous clouds and the flavour is very very good!
So here's my opinion. No tech talk just opinion.
I have a IGO W4 drilled to 1.5mm and had a few Kayfuns, for daily vaping my KF is the thing, when I'm at home I drip.
Dripping does in my opinion relate to a lot of work --> open, drop a few and vape a few, dry hit, open etc etc etc
Kayfun -->...