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  1. Hypersonic136

    One shots for a noob

    solo flavorings in this vid.
  2. Hypersonic136

    One shots for a noob

    consider me informed :) thank you
  3. Hypersonic136

    One shots for a noob

    @Safz_b I have never tried a nasty brand juice before. My baseline and referred mango flavor is the Alphonzo mango. Anything that can surpass that im game for or anything even close to that, im open to suggestions :) wouldn't it be great if they made one shots of premium juices :aplastao:
  4. Hypersonic136

    One shots for a noob

    what brand of the fruity one shots are the best. Ones that give you the best most realistic flavor of a juicy fruit? There are so many brands that a person doesn't really know what to try and go for. Reading a description is one thing, but whats on the bottle vs reality isnt always the case...
  5. Hypersonic136

    One shots for a noob

    @Vilaishima , does the mango freeze taste like a mango juice or a fresh cold mango?
  6. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    EDIT a few days later: Changed flavor completely! it now tastes like a strawberry ice cream, the gram cracker has blended in all the flavors and brought out the strawberry, the gram cracker has still a lingering presence on the inhale giving you a warm/full mouthful of strawberry on the exhale.
  7. Hypersonic136


    they dont make 0zic anymore. :(
  8. Hypersonic136


    Hi all How has stock of the following and prices please? all with 0mg 1. pulse juicy jar? 2. pulse Summer soother? 3. pulse secret syrup 4. Alphonzo mango
  9. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    so this has been steeping for a month, its really come into its own... Taste like strawberry steri-stumpie with a hint of gram cracker. you can really taste the warmth from the gram cracker and then the cooling (if i could say cooling/soothing) taste of the strawberry milk like feeling on the...
  10. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    Soooo? how did this turn out?:--P
  11. Hypersonic136

    Very best Mango juice?

    The Alphonso Mango is really good, its juicy and its like you are eating a mango pip. Its packed with flavor
  12. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    this sounds good. please let us know how this turns out!
  13. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    Since iv mixed this, having a taste everyday, its tasting more and more like a strawberry steri-stumpie or like strawberry nisquik. its definitely getting there :)
  14. Hypersonic136

    What did you Mix today?

    I made a mothers milk mix but it taste like a burnt strawberry biscuit. Please advise on a way to make it better? Tfa strawberry ripe 3% Cap sweet strawberry 5% Tfa cheesecake gram cracker 4.5% Tfa vbic 2% Cap super sweet 0.5% Mind you i started vaping it after 24hrs of steep time with a shake...
  15. Hypersonic136

    SOLD Wotofo Warrior RDA (New)

    in discussion with seller @CaliGuy
  16. Hypersonic136

    Selling Unused vape gear

    Hi How much for your scale?
  17. Hypersonic136

    Cloud Chasing and Mods

    well i dont know the full capabilities of the drag, the power delivery is awesome! i would be happy to change the atty to get a better cloud experience, so any suggestions about this would be great. even just a general point in the right direction with the drag mod?