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  1. Reinvanhardt

    Peter's Vaping Journal

    Definitely a success @PeterHarris! A wonderful setup you've got there :)
  2. Reinvanhardt

    What Did You Vape Today?

    That's the Kayfun Lite Plus on top of a Nemesis. A very good setup that just so happens to also be stunning.
  3. Reinvanhardt

    Fogger V4 Product Watch

    Well we'll all do well to err on the side of caution and evaluate all supplementary information when it comes to Fasttech, definitely!
  4. Reinvanhardt

    Prizes Up For Grabs At The Cape Vape Meet #2

    Hehe! However massively tempting that is... I would not be able to justify it to my bank. They're all up in my face these days :) I'll be there in vapour (spirit)
  5. Reinvanhardt

    Fogger V4 Product Watch

    Lol yeah I hope that's not the case, would be a complete idiot move on the manufacturer's part.
  6. Reinvanhardt

    Fogger V4 Product Watch

    Guys can you give a link to showcase these melting sub ohm insulator case/s please. I've been looking and this is the only report I've come across. I'm definitely not fazed by this singular experience as there are...
  7. Reinvanhardt

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi @kdawg, welcome to ze forum! Yeah I started with a disposable range called "Greensmoke" and after 2 or 3 days found an instructional youtube video on how to refill those cartridges. I did that for about a week and moved on to better things. I'm really not a fan of those but I know of at least...
  8. Reinvanhardt

    Please Help

    Love your two posts @Chop007! You put it down perfectly!
  9. Reinvanhardt

    Vaping Gamers

    @BhavZ I'm invading and hosting at around SL125 in Oolacile Township tonight lol!
  10. Reinvanhardt

    Prizes Up For Grabs At The Cape Vape Meet #2

    Wow what absolutely stunning prizes. It's the cherry on top of what will definitely be a winning vape meet. I really wish I could attend to meet and chat with and build coils with and discuss hardware with all you peeps.
  11. Reinvanhardt

    Websites Like Fasttech

    Bookmarked thanks.
  12. Reinvanhardt

    Websites Like Fasttech

    Here are two more websites for online vape gear that offer free shipping. Peace!
  13. Reinvanhardt

    Fogger V4 Product Watch

    I have no experience with Froginfog but would order with them before using Fasttech because it'a smaller company that obviously take better note of what they stock. Not just everything they can put their hands on. This would suggest that they only stock items thats been proven successful. Being...
  14. Reinvanhardt

    All Things Reo

    To be fair his MVP2 review was of an older edition when it was just released. The button has since been revised. I do agree that he's reviews are too longwinded though.
  15. Reinvanhardt

    Introduce Yourselves:

    That looks like a Smoktech SID powering a Kanger Aerotank. Nice gear man! Vape it until the flavour, throat hit and vapour decreases then replace the coil. You can get some here. Enjoy the Vapes Nico!
  16. Reinvanhardt

    Peter's Vaping Journal

    Depending on the colour.
  17. Reinvanhardt

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Wawawiewa @crack2483! Kayfun Lite Plus, Trident, Igo-L, Stingray, Nemesis and is that an Aqua peeking out at me there top left?
  18. Reinvanhardt

    Some Ideas For A "doing A Silver" Badge. Please Add.

    I hear you. Anyone whose experienced a Silver will know, and to those who aren't sure, it's a thoroughly unpleasant experience that can creep up on you unawares. I fell in that trap head first and was about quarter to dead for 20 minutes. Seriously, couldn't move, struggled to breath, very...
  19. Reinvanhardt

    Peter's Vaping Journal

    Your Kayfun looks awesome @PeterHarris. Just to clear it up. That's a Clone of the Kayfun 3.1. The Taifun GT is a different tank altogether. So you want an upgraded mod to fire your Kayfun. As I recall you didn't like the mech much because the output was to powerful. The Sigelei 20W is...