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  1. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Ah, makes sense! I bake loads of cupcakes, and yes, I always opt for ml vs grams. I even convert grams to ml because my measuring cup is in ml. Never flopped a cupcake though :P But it makes sense to not have to use multiple syringes. I steered clear of the build-ur-own-coil mission because it...
  2. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    I am so confused with all the stuff in DIY Accessories on BLCK (I know now to def get scale) but what on earth are all the other things for?? Goodness, I'd end up buying the lot, and probably never using it. I feel like not even going there before I've even started... This combo is made up...
  3. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Thanks! I was going to do the whole volume thing because that looked so much easier to me :eek: :oops:
  4. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    It's the waiting for first batch I am dreading :( Glass or plastic? Or is that irrelevant. And would it be a good idea to get the starter kit from BLCK? Friends spent over R800 for theirs (the same ones that gave up the mission) but a colleague said all I need are a couple of syringes and I can...
  5. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    3) Thinking a compound flavour will get you a complete profile. "Oooh look, a cookies and cream flavour. I'm sure this will be just as good as Zoob. I don't need to do anything, they've done all the work and put it in a bottle for me." Mmmm, no. Ja ne, that's exactly what I would've assumed...
  6. Sheryl

    NB VapeCon 2017 - Sat 26 Aug - Save the date and RSVP

    Wish I could go ;(
  7. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Thanks. I got some EVO juice from a friend yesterday. 6mg. I started off with 6 when I just started vaping, and managed to get to 3. First time I'm having 6 again. I feel like I want to get sick. Now I'm not sure if it's the sudden climb in NIC, or a Flav that's making me nauseous. To the...
  8. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Thanks, that's the review I came across :) I'm just not keen on the steep (new curse word in my dictionary :P) Still think I'm going to try the premixed concentrates though.
  9. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    You guys are crushing my dreams here :P But, I've heard it from various sources now. I suppose no better way to learn to be more patient :)
  10. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Yeah, I figured I wouldn't try my own thing just yet, and stick to maybe pre-mixed concentrate as someone suggested earlier. I'm still not keen on the steep time though :( I'll vape store-bought till mine's ready. Thanks!!! :)
  11. Sheryl

    The Elephant in the room

    THANKS :) !
  12. Sheryl

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Just yesterday, while off sick at home, no vape juice, locked inside the house, I decided to DIY, but my husband is predicting gloom and doom with the whole "do-it-yourself" mission I'm on. I REFUSE to buy anything other than Orion/Affiliation and Paulies (personal biased decision) so I'm...
  13. Sheryl

    The Elephant in the room

    I am a mad supported of a local manufacturer, not just because of taste, but because the guy went the extra mile for me. Doesn't know me at all, but gave me the time of day. Therefore, if that line of recipes were all stolen from someone else, I'd STILL buy it and wouldn't care. However, and...
  14. Sheryl

    Affiliation available in 120mils and a secret :P

    Thank GAWD!!! Been dying for Coco and Ricey mix in massive qty!
  15. Sheryl

    Getting a real taste, thanks to a good build

    Awesome! However, I see on the link you attached, it's available in 0.5ohm. Can I get it in 0.3?
  16. Sheryl

    Getting a real taste, thanks to a good build

    I have 2 Twisps and a box of Twisp Juice collecting dust. It's the most pathetic version of an E-cig known to man :astonished: Thanks for the advice ;)
  17. Sheryl

    Getting a real taste, thanks to a good build

    Hey, I'm also considering building my own, but I've been avoiding it due to major lack of patience. BUT, this morning, when I asked my husband to get me another coil for my Melo 3, and he nearly had a stroke, I've decided to give it a try. My 0.3 ohm has only lasted me a week and it's already...
  18. Sheryl

    Hehe :) This is so bad, I wouldn't subject anyone else to it :(

    Hehe :) This is so bad, I wouldn't subject anyone else to it :(
  19. Sheryl

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Ok what's a RTA and RDA? :blush:
  20. Sheryl

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Oh, yeah that won't work for me. I get frustrated to the point of throwing the mod and all out of the car window when I can't get the tip off to refill my tank, can only imagine how the trying to build a coil will go. However, does it not work out more cost effective to build your own in the...