I may have been hoping for a shorter steep time :p but almost there. Thank you.
If you dont mind me picking your brain. What are your thoughts on the black honey?
I decided to try a Tobacco recipe with
5% TFA Black Honey
3.5% TFA French Vanilla Cream
1.5% TFA DX Bavarian Cream
Its been steeping since 30 October and it's going a light pink. Is that normal?
Experimenting is half the fun :D might just end up with the kind of vape that keeps you smiling from ear to ear.
Hmm looking forward to seeing some pics of @Yiannaki 's builds
Even with the coil being raised a tad too much it, there is a change in the flavour, so I can just imagine how good it will be when I drop the coil a bit.
So first time building coils, here's my first try. I was pretty happy with my first build. Any thoughts, criticisms or pointers?
Ni80 24g
Cotton Bacon V2
7 Wraps
Reading at: 0.47
Friday Vape Mail :aplastao: new part of the journey.
Finally got the Serpent 22, thanks @Lim
Tools from The guys at Vape Cartel
Wick and Wire from J&J Emporium
Now to attempts coiling and wicking :whew:
Hey Lim, placed an order with you but a bit confused on how the on hold thing works, your site says don't pay until not on hold, but the email with the order details says it will be on hold until payment is confirmed. Can you please let me know what I should do?
Some really nice devices you have there! Definitely goals. It's a shame you don't have time to recoil all of them. Which one is your can't live without?
What devices do you have? If you don't mind me asking.
Haha the picos size is great can't fault it on that. Only problem I've had so far is the battery not lasting.
I'll take it underadvisement and definitely get back in touch for advice about it when ever I have the cash flow to be able to...
Device goals! One day when I'm big :--P:-D hmm okay take it then as your wife making sure she always has the best coil and wick to give her the best vape. It really is a compliment to your coiling skills.
The goblin mini is a very nice looking tank. I'll have to put it on the list of future vapes.
I wouldn't look at it as a catch... more like fine tuning your skills :p
How is hard is it to coil the goblin? I haven't build a single coil so I'm looking for something that would be easy so I can ease into it and hopefully not make a huge mess.