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  1. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    Maybe next year some time or I'll get lucky for my birthday :--P but I do really want a serpent for my pico for right now and then as time goes on upgrade to bigger gear definitely one with atleast 2 batteries.
  2. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    Unfortunately at the moment I'm not in a position to do anything that might compromise my mod. When I started the pico was exactly what i was looking for, and it is still one of the best things I've ever spent money on, but I'm saving up to buy a mod without such a small size restriction and...
  3. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    Haha not a problem. Okay so shopping list for the very near future the serpent with nichrome 80 24g wire and some cotton bacon or cotton candy collection. Thank you very much I really appreciate your help. Will be saving this video for when I get what I want, thank you @blujeenz let's hope I...
  4. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    He is actually a She :p Flavour is a very important part and I imagine it is much much better into hat department than the melo?
  5. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    @Rob Fisher I've only been vaping for about 6 months, was a bit worried about the coil building so stuck with the CCells in the melo 3. But I've heard nothing but good things about the serpent mini, so thought it was time to explore, especially with trying out DIY as it would be easier to rewick...
  6. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    Thank you for the advice, will definitely be taking it. :)
  7. Paraddicted

    Serpent Mini question

    Hello, So I wanted to try a new tank on my pico as size is a limitation I've been thinking about the serpent mini 22. It would also be the first tank that wouldn't take commercial coils but apparently is very easy to build and wick. What is the difference between the one post and two post and...
  8. Paraddicted

    Got my Dad his first vape

    Goodluck to your dad, hope he sticks with it. It's definitely the way to go!
  9. Paraddicted

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Some Juice from J&Js Emporium. The SNLV is amazing :inlove:
  10. Paraddicted

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Days when you get vape mail are always the best kind of days! Thanks to the guys at The Flavour Mill and BlckVapour for getting me started on my DIY journey.:):aplastao:
  11. Paraddicted


    Well done @Blu_Marlin! Hope you enjoy :campeon: Thanks for the great competition @DizZa and @Erica_TFM :ARMS1:
  12. Paraddicted

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to experiencing being apart of the thread and learning more.
  13. Paraddicted

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thank you :)
  14. Paraddicted

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hello, My name is Shaakira, started vaping properly around June. I have gotten so much information from this site I decided to join. Currently vaping on a pico and enjoying every moment of it.