I'm looking for a reasonably priced dual 18650 mod. For example a snow wolf, Sigelei or x cube.
Basically anything except an I stick.
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Three companies in general have lived up to the hype for me.
The 100w and 150w are flawless.
The goblin v1.2 (with kayfun v4 tank) and Goliath v2 are easy to build and perform perfectly.
I don't think a description why is even necessary
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If you like menthol then 5% dragon fruit and 5% menthol (10%) is a nice one. I did it at 80% VG and it tasted good.
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I put a fully charged battery into the kbox and it displays the battery as depleted by two "lights."
I'm not overly worried about it displaying incorrectly but it seems to cut out quite quickly. If I then put the same battery in a mech with the same tank it seems fine.
Does anyone have any...