Search results

  1. jleroux911

    DNA 133/200 Oni by Starss and Asmodus

    Item: ONI 133/200w DNA 200 Mod Age:can’t remember Price:R1500 Payment Methods Accepted: EFT Warranty:no Packaging: All included and in tact Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition:9,5/10 Location:Cape Town Reason: no longer in use Shipping: postnet @ R110 Link: Dm or WhatsApp on 0725464448
  2. jleroux911

    What is Afikaans for "Vaping"?

    As mens iets beskryf wat aan gesuig word amper asof jy dit rook dan sal mens se jy "teug" aan jou vape of jy teug aan jou twisp Lekker teug
  3. jleroux911

    Wanted: 30-75W mod (CTP)

    @Alex_123 yes we are friends he posted the ad for me and I saw yours on the wanted catagory
  4. jleroux911

    Wanted - iStick 50w

    @Redeemer I have a sigelei75watt temp control I used it now for 2 days decided to get something bigger il part with it for R1000 0828210509
  5. jleroux911

    Wanted: 30-75W mod (CTP)

    @Alex_123 I purchased a sigelei 75 watt TC I received it yesterday and decided I would like to get something bigger I'm willing to sell it at R1000
  6. jleroux911

    Wanted: 30-75W mod (CTP)

    @Alex_123 I purchased a sigelei 75 watt TC I received it yesterday and decided I would like to get something bigger I'm willing to sell it at R1000
  7. jleroux911

    Ipv3 li

    Would like to get my hands on one of these sick mods:() anybody looking to part ways with one?
  8. jleroux911

    Need help choosing a TC mod

    @kyleManeveldt I have a sigelei 75w TC I wana part with
  9. jleroux911

    Bleached Cotton

    The best cotton in my opinion is native wicks it's pricy and it's amazing also lasts much longer before having to re-wick I can't say anything bad about it