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  1. W

    OBS Nano Engine RTA

    I suppose i dont have much to compare it to, my lychee was brilliant in TC when it came to juice consumption and vapour, the SM22 is also a guzzler and the baby beast with M2 coils not far off. I have tried many builds on the Engine, different wicking, high ohms low ohms and doesn't really...
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    The Silica Wick Thread

    Please do share the location if you happen to find more, would love to try on my Engine nano
  3. W

    OBS Nano Engine RTA

    Agreed with all of the above, only other con for me would be juice consumption. This thing flies through juice.
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    Shake and Vape DIY

    Thanks for the responses guys, i agree that DIY'rs are divided where shake and vape is concerned. Another quick question, is it ACTUALLY cheaper to DIY juices?
  5. W

    Shake and Vape DIY

    Good evening Ladies and gents Seems like the upgrade in kit, especially tanks have a severe knock on effect pertaining to juice use. The better the flavour and vapour production the more juice i go through, pure enjoyment being the order of the day, thus i am looking to get into some DIY...
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    RDA on tarot nano

    Hang bal tjom, that comment was not directed at you, whenever you see a username like this ( @Daniel @Gizmo or @Stosta ) it means the post is directed at that username. To chime in on your question, there is no reason you cannot put an rda on the Tarot, just build within the confines of the...
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    tl;dr - High airflow, no-leak RTA for TC

    OBS engine or Engine Nano for no fuss wicking and no leaky. The nano is the single coil version and not smaller as the name would suggest....
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    Pico iStick Assistence

    Howsit, Welcome to the forum Take a moment to and browse to this link and introduce yourself Great community and lots of experience to be shared. onto your question, have a look at the ccell coils for the Melo 3. These...
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    Notch Coils do you use them?

    Yes sorry forgot to mention i use chilled Pineapple and the menthol really shines on the notch
  10. W

    Notch Coils do you use them?

    I only use them in my Lyche and only in TC mode. I get slight spitting on the the first fill up but absolutely none thereafter. This is on two different Lyche's and different batches of eleaf coils.
  11. W

    OBS Engine Nano Review

    nei mei bru , they are on top of their conference, until you see the rest :)
  12. W

    OBS Engine Nano Review

    Seems rather fitting considering their performance of late :)
  13. W

    OBS Engine Nano Review

    Having used mine a couple of days now this is quickly becoming a favorite. Has huge airflow so much so that when you have it wide open it feels like you are sucking through a 50mm pvc pipe. The flavour is spot on and it is so easy to wick and build on. It does go through juice like the sharks go...
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    Out and about with my awesome regulated mod!

    @KZOR awesome pics. Any fishing there?
  15. W

    SM22 glass

    Hey man Check your PM
  16. W

    The Serpent Mini 22 and 25 Build Thread

    A quick pitstop for the SM22 before this weekends amourous activities, not the neatest coil ever but flavour and vapour production is pretty good 26g A1 Kanthal 3mm id 4 wraps .75ohms
  17. W

    What's in your hand right now?

    The not so nano atop the 213 for the day, man i love it when i don't have to charge every day
  18. W

    The Serpent Mini 22 and 25 Build Thread

    with the 22 the deck doesn't come apart like the 25
  19. W

    The Serpent Mini 22 and 25 Build Thread

    Yup, the thread is reverse ie: Righty loosey lefty tighty