Search results

  1. Ghalib_58

    SOLD (sold)Stubby AIO LE Pink panther + Stubby rdta + Ether boro kit

    Item: Stubby Aio LE pink panther + ether boro kit Age: About a year I used it for like a month then went on the shelf everything in perfect condition Price: 1800 Payment Methods Accepted: EFT Warranty: Packaging: yes Authentic/Clone: Authentic Condition: 9/10 Location: Grassy Park Cape Town...
  2. Ghalib_58

    Stubby Aio Pink Panther + Ether RBA and more R2200

    Item: Stubby AIO pink panther edition + ether Boro and Stubby RDTA and extra black door set pink drip tip will include a moli 18650 Age: 9 months Price: R2800 Payment Methods Accepted: EFT or Cash Packaging: Yes Authentic/Clone: All Authentic Condition: 9.5 used for about 2 weeks before it went...
  3. Ghalib_58

    SOLD Hexohm Oframe

    Mmm mmm tempting
  4. Ghalib_58

    SOLD Atmizoo SS Vapesnail

    awesome deal
  5. Ghalib_58

    Archive Minikin 120w

    Is this still for sale?