Search results

  1. Vapourshark

    Vape Orenda iron pour

    Vape orenda Iron Pour 6mg for sale Bought from Vapemob yesterday. Used about 2ml. Reason for sale: not my cup of tee, not a fruit flavor fan. Location: Cape Town Delivery/collection: collection in Cape Town. Shipping on buyers cost. Price: R250 neg, or trade. Any offers welcome
  2. Vapourshark

    Reo Mail

    Here is my new toy! And it awesome! Sorry for bad pic and being on it side.
  3. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

    Mods, please close. @Nooby sorted me out. Thank you so much. Proud owner of a Reo!
  4. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

    Reo I was wanting to buy fell trough so still looking.
  5. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

    Ow ok, that explains it. @Oupa , hope all is well and that your son recovers quick.
  6. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

    @Silver , messaged him but not getting reply. Hopefully something perfect pops up.
  7. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

  8. Vapourshark

    Wanted: Reo

    Hi guys. I'm looking to try the whole Reo thing. If anyone is looking for someone to take a reo mini of their hands, please pm me with details. I'm in Cape Town so would like someone it to be in Cape Town. Does not have to be Reo mini.
  9. Vapourshark

    Looking for Atlantis

    Mod please archive.
  10. Vapourshark

    Subtank Mini and Nano for an iStick

    I just want to thank @Rob Fisher for his generosity! I received the Subtank yesterday morning and also added in the package was a bag of rayon. Thank you very much Rob, this tank is awesome and I am enjoying it very much!
  11. Vapourshark

    Subtank Mini and Nano for an iStick

    @Rob Fisher , is the std still available? If it is, would like to buy it.
  12. Vapourshark

    Looking for Atlantis

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a aspire Atlantis tank. If anyone in Cape Town is not using theirs and looking to sell please let me know.
  13. Vapourshark

    Old faithful at its end. In need of a Mech.

    Hi @KimH , thanks you, it's been such a awesome experience so far! Don't worry, won't buy sigs so, don't want to smell like smoke and hold the baby.
  14. Vapourshark

    Old faithful at its end. In need of a Mech.

    I've tried to fix it most of the morning but can't get it working. Damaged treading and topcap.
  15. Vapourshark

    Old faithful at its end. In need of a Mech.

    Hey guys. I just had a bit of a accident with my mech, just after putting the newborn down and in need of a vape it had a big tumble! And allas it was its last. Now nothing wants to fit where it is suppose to. It's been my faithful friend and workhorse for over 4 months now and very sad to se...