Hi. Im looking for twisted messes RDA. I think @Lim was selling? anyone else have one or few for sale?
Whatsapp me please at 081 243 7524 or mesg on forum. TIA
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Dont know if this is weird of if someone has asked this before, but im trying to get into the tricklyfe hype, was wondering, if the mod or rda or rta makes a difference to tricks? donyou need certain type of smoke or amount or thickness or no? Im running a Sigelei 150w with Troll RDA, it chucks...
Hi guys. Is there someone that have some tips for some great builds on the Billow V2? Im running .3 on 45w-50w but not getting that chucking I crave. Any tips to do or not to do? Also bit dodge on the wicking.. how much is too much or too little..
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what @Yusuf said. I have an Istick 100w, batery life is insane and i vaped at 70w constant. I had the Sigelei 75w (single batt) and my battery didnt last long. Using the Sigelei 150w atm and same thing as the Istick. Guess it also depends on how much you vape, but I'd rather go for a double batt...