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  1. Renoster

    Public response

    I did not mean to offend anyone, i just get alot more reaction from "older poeple" (baby boomers who is usually scared of change) as generation x and y usually say its cool and they also want to try it. As for the spelling and probably tenses, my english pretty much sucks as i am afrikaans...
  2. Renoster

    Public response

    I've had some weird response from specially older poeple while blowing some clouds. Funny thing is they usually ask me what im "smoking" and as soon as i correct them that im not smoking, but vaping, they immediately respond by saying, oh have you heard its alot more dangerous than smoking, and...
  3. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Looks very good
  4. Renoster

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hahaha thanx!! Reviews and research came in handy.. And proud to say that my first coil did not leak and worked fine! Thanx this looks like a wonderfull forum!
  5. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Makes sense, thank you, just need something pocket friendly, thanx for the advice
  6. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Sounds like the pico is great, is it better than the kanger toptank setup, or the vtc mini mod? (Or are they alot bigger in size than the pico)
  7. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    And a small tank to go with it?
  8. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Sounds nice, never heard of the mage tank though
  9. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Using the v8-t8 coil at avout 120w and the rba at about 80w in tcc
  10. Renoster

    Pocket sized mods

    Good day, i started vaping 3weeks ago using the rx200s with tfv8 (my first ever setup)and i love it. Before starting i knew i would be a cloud chaser.. I need advice on what setup i can buy that will fit snuggly in my pocket when at work, (basically like a packet of sigs which didnt bother me)...
  11. Renoster

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanx! I already feel welcome!
  12. Renoster

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thank you, im sure ill have a great time improving my vape experience, and meeting new vapers!
  13. Renoster

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hey fellow vapors, I'm from klerksdorp, i started vaping 3weeks ago, using the rx200s with tfv8, already building coils and making diy juice. Never touched or had the desire to smoke stinkies after 9years as i am extremely impressed and happy with vaping.. thank you have a great vaping day...