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  1. zaVaper Is A Chancer,beware

    Ultimately I think the vaping community in South Africa both suppliers and consumers have benefited from this thread. For the consumer / supplier relationship has just improved +1
  2. zaVaper

    Sx350 50w Group Buy - August

    here's a sneak peak at the V100 SX350
  3. zaVaper

    Sx350 50w Group Buy - August

    @MarkK Got the info from a reddit thread on the SX350, mastblast from plumes of hazard explained some of the limits of the current boards. In Bypass mode it will support 80 Watts but in regulated mode 50. YiHi had a different revision of the SX350 V100 that they haven't released yet that...
  4. zaVaper

    Zamplebox , Monthly Boxes

    @MurderDoll email the post office and ask if they can locate the parcel, I used the below address and they managed to track it and provide a local tracking number. p.s. I think the ems website is a bit fubar at the moment.
  5. zaVaper

    Sx350 50w Group Buy - August

    I think the sx350 will only reach 50W, YiHi are making 100W chips but those intended to be sold only to manufacturers. The 50W limit is imposed by the DC-DC module and the path width and thickness on the circuit board, unfortunately software cant sort that out. But let's be honest 50W is...
  6. zaVaper

    Sx350 50w Group Buy - August

    @Chef Guest count me in for 1x sx350 When are you planning on pulling the trigger on the order?
  7. zaVaper

    Whats Your End Game?

    Good Question, I reckon social vaper!
  8. zaVaper

    Word Crimes

  9. zaVaper

    Sx350 50w Group Buy - August

    I'm keen depending on the price of course!, I'm sure we can drum up some more peeps seeking a good chip for those box mod projects.
  10. zaVaper

    Sub-ohm Advisory - Ecf

    If it was true the rip trippers would be in serious trouble, that dude super sub ohms regularly like 0.2-3 range. I enjoy the 0.4 - 1.2 range depends on the atomizer and juice and that's with mechs. Pro tip: don't let your coils run dry.
  11. zaVaper

    Widow Of Chain Smoker Gets $23.6bn Payout

    Ironically if it wasn't for smoking we wouldn't be vaping. One would have thought it's common knowledge that smoking kills, however I smoked for years with Danger and Warning labels on our boxes. I doubt that it made any difference to my success rate of zero percent chance of quitting...
  12. zaVaper

    Cardiac Problems - Vaping?

    Good information in this thread, I recalled watching some videos on cardiac research and vaping, and dug them up for your viewing pleasure. The short version: and the long version: I also recall that zero carbon monoxide is introduced into your system when you vape and that carbon...
  13. zaVaper

    Space Jam Extra Juices 12mg 15ml

    I will offer you R500 for all four if you keen?
  14. zaVaper

    Zamplebox , Monthly Boxes

    So the good Guys @ Zamplebox have decided to re-send another Zamplebox. You have to agree that this is amazing customer service! To Chris and Tony @ Zamplbox if you read this, Well done!
  15. zaVaper

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Cheers to the Vapers!
  16. zaVaper

    Zamplebox , Monthly Boxes

    It's rough waiting, I figured I'd give them a calender month before raising some kind of hell! On a positive note I have crafted two new flavours whilst waiting.
  17. zaVaper Is A Chancer,beware

    All I can say on this topic is that it's just good practice to be open about the whole transaction process. It's understandable that Bjorn is miffed, that's a whole bunch of cash, vapes could have said, listen the stocks going to take a bit of time here's the tracking number bla bla. It's your...
  18. zaVaper

    Zamplebox , Monthly Boxes

    I dunno about you guys but the waiting is killer :) Fastech is faster than USPS So USPS says this: June 23, 2014 , 10:00 am Depart USPS Sort Facility LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 Your item departed our LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 sort facility on June 23, 2014 at 10:00 am. Information, if available, is...
  19. zaVaper

    Child Proof Bottle Caps

    If you twist the squishy dipper section of a child-proof dripper bottle cap it will open, false sense of security.
  20. zaVaper

    Zamplebox , Monthly Boxes

    Also in the Zample club, mine was shipped on the 23rd of June, still waiting, hasn't shown up on EMS yet, hopefully it arrives one of these days.