For me its got to be the Dotmod Petri. Best flavour atty I've tried to date, and with the cloud cap, it can chuck some serious clouds. I have one on a Cricket, and one on my 213!
BINGO!!! I use cotton bacon in all my builds @Silver, and its for that very reason. I find the flavour to be crisper for longer with bacon, not sure why, but it just works the best for me. The tightness in the wick also makes a huge difference. If the wick is too loose, it will pop and crackle...
Give it a bash Rob, If the guys @ Vapor DNA can make such a gem with the Nano, how bad can the V2 be? I reckon its worth a shot. maybe even try some 26g Kanthal, just watch out for those stupid post screws that I know you love so much :-D
Epic video Rob, and thanks for the mention.
That 28g wire needs to be kept for the cyclones, and only the cyclones, any of these new tanks you try need at least 24g... :-D