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  1. OverThinker

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks, @Stosta, and good question. It's a bit of both. I was struggling to come up with a username for a different account, and realised that I was over-thinking the choice, as I'm inclined to do, so I decided to simply embrace it. :)
  2. OverThinker

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi folks I've been a long-time lurker, and only registered a profile today when I found a topic I couldn't resist commenting on. I started vaping at the beginning of 2017 when I "inherited" my partner's iJust S. It wasn't long before I got into DIY, and now we're a team: he makes our coils, I...
  3. OverThinker

    Vaping Legislation RSA

    Sorry, I'm jumping in a bit late, but in response to Imperator's original post and comments: Does anyone know the reasoning behind the idea of banning testers in stores, or including vape shops under "public spaces" where vaping could (hypothetically) be prohibited? - Testers: if the thinking...