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  1. RevnLucky7

    Goliath V2 : Builds and Wicking

    What most people refer to as the juice control is not actually the juice control. This is just a open and close juice holes nob, nothing more really. To regulate juice control you need to hold what you currently think of as the juice control and unscrew (turn counter clockwise) it slightly...
  2. RevnLucky7

    The Milkman - Juice Reviews

    Your setups not going to do much for you. You could vape Milkman off of Cindy Crawfords lips... if you don't like it you're not going to like it. Some guys get the pop tart... others don't get it at all... After the first initial run we weren't sure about the mixed opinions on whether or not it...
  3. RevnLucky7

    The Milkman - Juice Reviews

    Philip Rocke's Creme de la Creme is really good. I'm also a big fan of Black flag Fallen. Both vapes that don't appeal to may other people.
  4. RevnLucky7

    The Milkman - Juice Reviews

    I too agree with this review.... the first time I tried it. I was honestly like WTF? Today it's one of my favorites. We have this conversation many times in the store. It's one of those liquids. It's either for you, or it's not. Despite the mixed reviews, it remains one of our top sellers and...
  5. RevnLucky7

    Billboard on the N1... GREAT! :)

    Who cares... we liked their sign so much, waited till it got dark.... and fully approved :devil:
  6. RevnLucky7

    Best Tank for Flavour (or better coil+wick for flavour)

    Take the plunge - by a Goblin Mini.
  7. RevnLucky7

    Cloud Company Auction - Proceeds go to Rocking for Rhino's

    780... What are Rhinos? Thought they were extinct...
  8. RevnLucky7

    Goblin Mini - UD

    That little adapter is a pain in the ass too. Eventually, I'm going to lose it. When I head out I use the plastic ones.
  9. RevnLucky7

    Very interesting read

    Was that a sex tape?
  10. RevnLucky7

    Very interesting read

    She might quite literally be the death of me....
  11. RevnLucky7

    Very interesting read

    I just need to look at that photo and it all goes away.... I'm shallow like that. Regulations are the last of my worries. With all the jealousy and trash talking in this industry: REV-elations 1:1 - This industry is going to destroy itself from the inside out. All I see here is one business...
  12. RevnLucky7

    Goblin Mini - UD

    24g / 8 wraps / 2mmID.... No wick in the channels. Alex was right. I'm can max out at 65W (although this is VERY warm - and I like it hot) I'm happy around 50.
  13. RevnLucky7

    Five Pawn

    Our new shipments are already on route. With the quantities we're importing it's taking it's sweet time, but there'll be juice for the masses. Give us another week to two tops.
  14. RevnLucky7

    Where are you from?

    Okay I've figured it out. I'm Osiris!
  15. RevnLucky7

    Where are you from?

    I'm convinced I'm not of this earth and my home is somewhere around this constellation...
  16. RevnLucky7

    Goblin Mini - UD

    Well nobody told you to vape the damn thing :-D