@Paul33, I feel you. I have been using my Dani Micro 21700 with OG Dvarw DL and Red Pill for ages now. I have tried a bazillion juices and a few tanks, and nothing compares. I keep trying other juices and tanks, but nothing compares. Added to that, there isn't much in the way of new decent gear...
Thanks to =AZUy90kg10WjRnpYGmmUbfRTHC0B2HN13QkAs0ZB2cVB2LQgmkgGLWCg7BDngJ5AwUWAZ4YWbAiRSWO7uEKvTuPV0ZaZ-GOEbEoeyEGP73geSBH61YX9J2Mg-_pwNW9m9HostO0yykOz--2XNOuJrF5i263IeCiaRTxEtHAISIxXONvLSVeXP4rJfrRd41Fzur4&__tn__=-]K-R']Sean Watkins and...