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  1. baksteen8168

    What's in your hand right now?

    So Jealous.... Think I might need to procure a Nitrous soon
  2. baksteen8168

    What's in your hand right now?

    Mod is the black v2 Luxotic. Door is off the OG V1 Luxotic. The black door is much more flimsy than the original yellow one (but they all basically fall apart at the slightest bit of applied pressure)
  3. baksteen8168

    Please help me decide.

    Hmmm... My goto is normally around 5mm coil legs. I can't for the life of me remember the old mantra... but iirc its lower for flavor and higher for throat hit. In any case, I place my coils close to the airflow. Play around though, what works for me does not necessarily work for you ;)
  4. baksteen8168

    What's in your hand right now?

    Except the doors... The doors are kak... :facepalm: :-D
  5. baksteen8168

    What's in your hand right now?

    Old Faithful
  6. baksteen8168

    Pulse AIO mini

    Take your time... Dezemba gifts have my wallet begging for a break :facepalm: Also... Please "lose" an Agent Orange Stubby in the darkest corner of your storeroom... You know, accidentally drop it behind a shelf or something... Hopefully by March 2023 I saved up enough to ask you to check the...
  7. baksteen8168

    Pulse AIO Mini Kit

    @Rob Fisher - I know absolutely F-All about AIO devices, but I think that THIS would look amazing in that blue device!
  8. baksteen8168

    Wonder Flavors (WF) Single Flavor Tests Series II Reviewed by SessionDrummer

    Thanks @SessionDrummer Awesome reviews as always.
  9. baksteen8168

    Please help me decide.

    @Chris T - My 24 came in a blue box.
  10. baksteen8168

    What's in your hand right now?

    @Devon Strydom - You're aming too low... This is how it's done: @Rob Fisher - Send some mods. :--P :rofl: :rofl:
  11. baksteen8168

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Will be watching out for that sour blue raspberry review. Struggling to find anything with the sourness I desire :facepalm: Chocolate caramel and creamy vanilla also sound good
  12. baksteen8168

    And so it was writ...

  13. baksteen8168

    Please help me decide.

    Also have a Troll X. Think I vaped 2 tanks out of it. Troll is currently sitting in my vape cupboard as I am done dealing with it's leaking.
  14. baksteen8168

    Please help me decide.

    I have both. Prefer the 24 for flavor. Only issue I have with the 24 is that the juice capacity is tiny. For the 26 you can look at the Arbiter V2. ;-)