Seriously also give Flavour West Apricot a whirl. Pretty much apricot jam in a dripper bottle. If you want a real apricot stay away. The FW is super jammy/candy it is sticky as can be. Pairs with peanut butter like you wont believe I recently made a PB and J sarmie vibe with it was absolutely great.
Never had the Paulies but knocked together an apricot jammy 'donut' a while back.
TFA Glazed Donut 3.5 percent
TFA Vanilla Cupcake 1.2 percent (bready half cooked inside texture)
FA Cream Fresh 1.2 percent
CAP Butter Cream 2 percent
FW Apricot (it is jammy all on its own already nom nom nom)...
Lmfao... been around longer than anybody realises. I pop around when you all need to raise your heart rates. I used to modetate the longest running international electronic music forum before we turned it into a record label. A well mannered little place like this cant upset me man. Only reason...
Bottom line: a set of Coil Empire claptons takes a whole spool of wire for the claptoning.
Then also they are total works of art perfect in all regards.
Quality craftmanship costs bucks. Period.
The Mage is amazing once you rip the fancy wire out. Normal 24g Kanthal will be quite an experience trust me. Also did not like mine with claptons but running 20g Nichrome it can kill many drippers.
The Goon is also sensitive to WHERE you drip it. Are you painting the coils? I found this gave me some hassle unlike the Phenotype. Try dripping on the posts so it hits the well and sucks up from there. Most of the fellas who's coils last so long are either using tanks or BFA's like Reos
Been battling like crazy to keep these 20g coils compressed properly. Will wrap fine but every second build or so they space out after pulsing. I do not always like this, they space out just enough to cause some serious spitback, so more of a fail at compressed coils than intentional spacing...
Oooh... squeezing freshly shaken HDPE dripper bottles for a smell test. Juice droplets in eye or up nose never fun either. Amazing how many times I did this.
Also want to know the answer to this one. I can run a 20g Nichrome build for two wicks maximum but anything else I change the wick, I change the whole build.
I used to love Wayne... but now my wallet just hates him. Always guaranteed to miss a concentrate or two for every new recipe.
Yup I already took Death By Diacetyl lol
And here we have the reason even hardcore DIY heads need the occasional commercial bottle of juice we like and can fall back on as a frame of reference. To rely on single flavor mixes from a relatively un reviewed flavor house might not be the best indication of your attie's performance.