The one was green caramel , was thinking about adding more apple . And the other that's the most bland is Dr Pepper , it just tastes sweet .
Vapour production and throat hit are still good , just bland on the taste side .
They were pretty bland from the begining , stored them in a cool dark cupboard .
I think this was part of a batch that went out just after P Busardo did that review that was very sub standard .
So I've got about 100mls of juice that I bought ( Yaeliq) that over time just tastes like nothing really .
I was wondering if I bought some concentrates from say @Oupa etc , would that jazz up these juices?
Or is it a bad idea to throw flavour concentrates into already flavoured juice ?
Ola ! So my backup setup while my Vision Spinner 2 is charging is the coolfire 1 unit .
It's been fine up until yesterday . When I screw a tank on (I've tried various) the unit fires by itself without me pushing the button .
I've tried various batteries and tanks and they're all doing the same...
Arg , tried some of @steve 's BETELGEUSE on his Reo . Best fruit liquid I've had thus far after VM's Berry Blaze .
I now want a Reo and litres of this stuff but alas I've got too much juice I need to work thru at the moment .