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  1. Ravynheart

    DIY eliquid for Newbies

    @free3dom I even made a formula for a drops recipe to make a sample!
  2. Ravynheart

    DIY eliquid for Newbies

    Hahahaha! I use them a lot actually. That's why I took mathematical literacy and not maths core :giggle:
  3. Ravynheart

    DIY eliquid for Newbies

    @Mike thank you for linking those threads. They have proven very useful! @free3dom I'm planning on eventually getting my hands on the DIY kit from Skyblue. Definitely getting some of those recommended flavours! Last night I did some research and with the use of my highschool maths literacy...
  4. Ravynheart

    ECIGSSA Advertising / Info / Business Cards

    @Gizmo Count me in! I'm always trying to spread the word of vaping.
  5. Ravynheart

    DIY eliquid for Newbies

    Calling all experienced eliquid DIYers! This thread is focused on providing guidance on how for absolute newbies to step forth into the vast world of DIY eliquid with minimal stress. First set of questions: 1. What do you need to start up? (bases, flavours and equipment) 2. Reputable...
  6. Ravynheart

    NB Vapecon 2015 Countdown

    Um.. Event organising isn't exactly my strong point
  7. Ravynheart

    NB Vapecon 2015 Countdown

    What about us durbanites? We also need a vapecon!
  8. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @Viper_SA hahahaha! I'll keep that in mind! @free3dom I've already got five concentrate flavours in mind for starting off with
  9. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @free3dom I use 6mg nicotine so that will drop the price further per bottle. That's incredible!
  10. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @free3dom I love how you explain the comparison. I like to live by 'keep it simple, stupid' and most of the recipes I plan to use are going to be simple single or dual or a key flavour with a little tweaking
  11. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    Is Skyblue the only one with an actual kit?
  12. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @Viper_SA checking now! Thank you!
  13. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @zadiac I will take that approach. That way I don't end up with 'kid in a candy store' syndrome
  14. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @Sprint @Mike it's fine. I did online gaming and I'm used to being called bro. :giggle: Also, I'm. A nonsmoker that uses nicotine as a replacement therapy for my Adhd (hyperactivity) (yes, it works)
  15. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    I'm browsing the concentrates on Skyblue and there's so much choice! I'm starting to look forward to giving DIY a try. Consulted my vape budget (read: mom) and she approved of the idea because according to my maths literacy it will be much cheaper and more flexible to my palette of flavour...
  16. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    Also, the more I look into DIY, the more practical it appears to me as I struggle to find a good Premade that I enjoy (fussy much)
  17. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    I did read the post,however I wanted to ask these questions from the point of view of someone that knows nothing about DIY eliquid (which I am) so that other newbies can have the complex answers broken down into more newbie friendly terms along with the pros and cons of taking this avenue
  18. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    I have a love for complex dessert flavours and a higher PG to VG ratio. With that said, the thought of mixing my own juice is intimidating and being unemployed doesn't help the budget.
  19. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    @Viper_SA how do you vape 15 to 20 ml a day? I thought 6ml was a lot for one day! :eek:
  20. Ravynheart

    DIY vs Premade eliquid

    Time to open a second can of worms. As a newbie, I've discovered that some people mix their own eliquid blends along with the prospect of it being cheaper than buying a Premade eliquid. So, here I have a couple questions as I have very little understanding on the topic. 1. How risky and...