Greetings and salutations!
The retail pack of the Blitzen RTA comes with 2 types of tanks: a 2ml and a 5ml "bubble" tank, but did you know that GeekVape also makes a spectacular love-child of these two in the form of a STRAIGHT 4ml tank? This tank makes use of the tank extension to the length...
Start with THIS calculator (comes with a bunch of recipes off the bat)
Then check out THIS or THIS or THIS or THIS or THIS for loads of recipes. There are a bunch more, I just grabbed the familiar ones I've used before.
Organic japanese Ko Gen Do was the business when I started vaping in 2015, and tbh, sometimes I miss how easily those used to wick in my Goblin. CB can be a mess when it keeps pulling apart until you've got f*kkol left in your hands :D :D :D
I also did not want to say it in that many words, but Gandalf pretty much covered it. There's a fine line between need and want, and that line separates what qualifies for PIF, and what does not. A DIY coil kit and external charger are typically want's, as are spare batteries. Not having these...
A DIY coil kit is typically aimed at containing tools for coil building (ceramic tweezers, kuro coiler, flush cutters, etc) rather that the actual consumables (wire and cotton), ergo any wire and cotton that does come with such a kit will be minimal and not of great quality. You would be better...
Do you have wire and cotton? You mention that you need 3 batteries. Are you using a RX200? You will probably find a lot of folks more than willing to part with cotton and 24ga kanthal since Nichrome prebuilds started becoming gospel. Batteries might be a bit more difficult to source via PIF...
If I was in JHB I would have just bought you a new Drop from VapeMob and traded you for the above, then sold the Griffins off separately and essentially ended up with a free Ammit Dual :D That's a lekker deal man.
Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but the 30Q's are 15A and HG2's 20A, and my current sweet spot subohm builds call for cells rated at 25-30A like VTC's or similar (25R/HB6). I might not be utilizing the full capacity of these batteries but I like knowing that I'm well within the safe zone when...
Found this sold by @Vapers Corner which is the type of thing I'm looking for. Now just with some more variety in both design and mods for which it is available.
I have seen people with mod skins/wraps on just about every type of mod out there, yet I hardly ever see any advertised for sale? Where are people getting their wraps from? I know that there are a couple of places overseas that specialise in this type of thing, but I don't want to...
Yeah I must say, I've had this Engine since the day it launched and it's never let me down, but also never really shined on the Cuboid and crappy coils I've been using. In the past week I've upgraded to proper coils and a more current mod and the results have been great. I've thought about...
I don't have a pic on hand right now, but do feel like I need to share my glee... This setup is currently blowing my mind! Clouds and flavour for days!
- VooPoo Drag @ 75W
- OBS Engine w. Demon Killer Fire Coils D (Dual NI80 Tricore fused clapton @ 0.11ohm) + CBP wicks
- Ohm1 Cannoli 2mg