Search results

  1. Cornelius

    What Vape Gear do you want from Santa?

    If you ever in the Westrand, I might have an insider laying around.
  2. Cornelius

    What Vape Gear do you want from Santa?

    I didn't want anything. !
  3. Cornelius


    Good day Thank you for the replies, I think I may have found an alternative.
  4. Cornelius


    Thanks Hooked. We don't particularly like the Vuse device, we have 1 (and a broken one). I was hoping some vendors might have a cue or 2 lying in a cupboard or something. Will see what else I can find. The Cue just seems to have a very particular throat hit.
  5. Cornelius


    Good day Haven't been to active on the forum of late. After years of trying to get of the smokes, the wife has finally decided to quit, on her own!!!. I have given her every pod system, disposable etc known to man. However the 2 devices that really seem to work is the CUE and a disposable...
  6. Cornelius

    What's in your hand right now?

    Freshly mixed red pill in a sqounker!
  7. Cornelius

    What did you Mix today?

    Hi Tim Any update on this? Looks right up my alley.
  8. Cornelius

    What's in your hand right now?

    Match made in heaven. Warwolf x Dvarw x Redpill
  9. Cornelius

    Items stuck at customs. What now?

    Hi Sorry for the late reply. No sorry I can no longer help. My contact has moved to a new company
  10. Cornelius

    What inexpensive item can someone buy for you?

    Please remind me next time I see you to go get a apple pie....
  11. Cornelius

    Suicide Mods & DovPo Abyss

    Tried the Exo yet uncle?
  12. Cornelius

    Suicide Mods & DovPo Abyss

    And to be honest, Uncle Rob and KZOR are both 100x more influential in my decisions. These guys create drama for views, which in turns bring benefits.
  13. Cornelius

    What's in your hand right now?

    Working from home has it's benefits
  14. Cornelius

    Name one thing from your childhood

    Friend of mine bought one at an Auction the other day. He got 2 big boxes with labels with. Uses it on his DIY juice bottles.
  15. Cornelius

    Vape Bundle!!!

    Good day What colours do you have 2 x BRAND NEW (SEALED) - Sigelei 213w (Retail R1000 each)? What would be your individual prices?
  16. Cornelius

    What did you Mix today?

    What would you suggest for mixing at 3mg? The same percentages.?
  17. Cornelius

    Rob's Lounge

  18. Cornelius

    【TESTERS WANTED】- Nevoks Feelin Pod Kit

    Blue looks cool @Room Fogger @ARYANTO @antonherbst
  19. Cornelius

    New NCV One Shots!

    What a disaster. Any chance you will make the Strawberry recipe public? Or guide us to something similar?