Camel and then Camel Lights, really prefer the fruity vapes, like that guava blend I can't stop using, now it's like not twenty a day but 20mg a day but have found Wiener Vape Good Boy an excellent substitute
As your mate is coming from the UK with lovely Great British Pounds, merely convert a few pounds at the current rate of exchange, and damn, you could purchase ALL the local juices, just a thought!
Just a Complex day today;
Complex Crusty Custard alternating with Strawberry Desire, I just love this combination....Tomorrow it is back to a Paulies day, seems to be quite a few of these days, thanks @Paulie
I too am an Arctic fan, my first tank I purchased with an iStick 50 watt, with the assistance of @Andre damn, feels like a lifetime ago, but still a noob. What Arctic do you have?, I also have the V8 and V8 Mini, and actually still prefer my original "old" Arctic with the BTDC coil.
Can Relate!!! Getting to the point where I was considering going to a group we all know about where you all meet and start proceedings with, "Hi, I am "darkside" and I cannot stop buying mods and juice.....