if you do go this route most vendors do sell pre-made coils, i get mine from vapeking fourways when i'm feeling lazy, but again most vendors will have them readily available in different ohms
Hi guys, if im going from a griffin25 to a SM25 will i feel a huge difference? is the money worth it? all this talk is making me anxious to try it but i just dont have money like that and its really gotta be something worth the sale of my kidney
Okay so i was sitting on the couch last night just having a little vape and thinking to myself could all this rain be caused from us, is this the doings of all the cloud chasers and mech modders out there blowing their clouds in the sky and ultimately causing the storms. i know on my part i've...
@Feliks Karp i have one steeping at the moment so i'd like to see if i experience the same effect after a week or two, this specific one was a good shake then straight into the tank. im sure i shook it quite good tho.
@Bizkuit thats exactly what im experiencing. its quite awesome tho. two...
Ok so let me first state that this has only started happening since i've been vaping the griffin 25. not sure if its a tank thing or an e-liquid thing
so i made up a batch of what i call "broke man banana" only because i'm out of concentrates and only had banana cream and cinnamon sugar cookie...
Supply and Demand my dear friend... thats why when a petri or goon goes up on the forum people jump at it no matter the price, however if you look at something like a tsunami you have people low balling those poor RDA's down to almost nothing.
and then sometimes its not low balling. i mean...