The auto-fire ramp-up reminds me of those Greensmoke things. The way i vaped those was to do a short primer puff and then a normal puff. It became second nature (well, until I threw it away because it was rubbish).
Endura T20 MTL for my stealth vaping. A good tobacco mix in there (which doesn't smell like anything specific, really), short inhales, and hold it... it works great. Granted, I don't stealth vape on planes and probably never will :P
Granted, I was maybe exaggerating a bit for effect. But even mass-produced juices aiming to be produced on the cheap can have some really dodgy crap going into it. Maybe some (even most) don't, but yknow. Besides, mass-produced does not mean clean. Yes, nicotine is a pretty good antimicrobial...
Yup. That, and it's hotspot central. And if you put it in an HDPE bottle with a dropper tip for easier dispensing, it's harder to shake. And it separates pretty quickly. And and and :P
Very true. But most juice manufacturers don't use clean rooms anymore, they use labs - usually certified labs. The fakes (don't call them clones, clones are what we call the legitimate DIY recreations of commercial juices) are obviously not made in a lab. Most likely in the back of a car repair...
PG nicotine is easier to work with and will be fine with all modern recipes. In the old days when flavour concentrations were higher, it got tricky to maintain the ratio. But you'll have no problem with this at all.
PS: Not to mention that VG nicotine is pure hellspawn. I'll never use that shit...
Yip, don't get me wrong - I agree with the reasoning behind it 100%. I just think we need to reign ourselves in a bit and request a threadlock much, much sooner.
Agreed. It was a bit concerning to see the open hostility towards the guy (yes, he clearly was a chancer and had some ludicrous audacity to ask for luxuries, nobody's arguing that). But that doesn't mean we have to treat that as an excuse to sling insults and hostility towards people. This is a...
It wasn't PayFast as much as it was the credit card companies (Visa and MasterCard themselves), I believe, and PayFast didn't want to take chances with those guys.
@Stroodlepuff , PayFast does still offer InstantEFT for vaping companies though?
I hear ya man. But a cheque card (without an overdraft) is also a good option. They work for online payments and you don't run the risk of going over :)
Same, one of the tobacco recipes I created last year turned out very well after a year (I completely forgot about it and discovered it in the back of the steeping cupboard the other day). Granted, it's almost completely black and looks so much like oil that I'm rather concerned the US is going...
Guys... there are so many threads saying the same thing, really. I mean, it's awesome that everyone's trying to make everyone else aware, but have a look here...
Most (wagering a guess.. 90%) of commercial juices have sucralose in them. That is most likely why you experience more a more "vibrant" flavour from them. I doubt it's the flavour percentages, unless you're vaping it MTL.