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  1. Willielieb

    Mech or new vw mod?

    What batteries would you suggest to get along with it?
  2. Willielieb

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi , willem here, been vaping for around two years now, im a student at an IT university, i love building coils , i always try something new each month and watse tons of wire trying to do it.
  3. Willielieb

    Mech or new vw mod?

    Alright will do thank you :)
  4. Willielieb

    Mech or new vw mod?

    Hi! So i have been vaping vw devices ( smok alien, ipv vesta) and ive been building coils for around that time as well, i have a bit of money saved up ( not alot as im a student) but i have always wanted a mech mod like the vgod tube mechs or the noisy cricket v2. Im stilly very scared of mechs...