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  1. n0ugh7_zw

    South Africa Lambasted in DIY Community...

    they really should re-word that. because someone could take the meaning to be that it only governs its use in the united states. not the world.
  2. n0ugh7_zw

    South Africa Lambasted in DIY Community...

    i have absolutely no issue with clone atties and mods... and this issue is not like that at all... no one buys a goon clone and then bitches to 528 customs about it. i mean get real. and thats the core issue here. that wayne dude is being forced to be responsible for a product that he has no...
  3. n0ugh7_zw

    South Africa Lambasted in DIY Community...

    stranger things have happened :P
  4. n0ugh7_zw

    What's in your hand right now?

    really, really slick
  5. n0ugh7_zw

    South Africa Lambasted in DIY Community...

    i have no evidence or anything at all to back this up.... but i suspect this is going to be one of those cases, where when the culprit is found... hearts are going to be broken.
  6. n0ugh7_zw

    South Africa Lambasted in DIY Community...

    I think the cost vs. reward isn't worth it for them. SA is a tiny, tiny market compared to the USA.
  7. n0ugh7_zw

    Which BF RDA do you choose?

    Yup some atties that are really popular are just plain crap for some people ( i know, i'm one of them)
  8. n0ugh7_zw

    Which BF RDA do you choose?

    for me its hadaly far above everything else... nice restrictive lung hit... and the flavour is simply insane.
  9. n0ugh7_zw

    What Are You Waiting For?

    waiting for the LostVape Drone BF to be released. oh and money.... so i can buy a second hadaly and maybe a o-atty
  10. n0ugh7_zw

    What's in your hand right now?

    polished ultim and all
  11. n0ugh7_zw

    Sperm damage?

    less reasons to bag the appendage the better!
  12. n0ugh7_zw

    Pre-Order - Lost Vape Drone BF (Squonker) DNA250

    super keen, is there a way i can pay you with a credit card? Doing EFT's from here is a non-starter
  13. n0ugh7_zw

    Lost Vape Drone Bf Dna166

    the other side to it.... is that 167W is kinda low if you're running a 30mm RDA on there. but for 22-25mm its golden
  14. n0ugh7_zw

    Lost Vape Drone Bf Dna166

    ok, seen some things i like... separated battery and bottle compartments centered 510 with up to 40mm atties with no overhang easy and clean bottle installation
  15. n0ugh7_zw

    What Did You Vape Today?

    Deity - Phoenix Deity - Harmonia Complex Chaos - Freaky Loops Complex Chaos - Strawberry Desire DIY Clone of - Goodlife Vapors - Deadly Sin (VG)
  16. n0ugh7_zw

    Lost Vape Drone Bf Dna166

    possible indicative price? 129 pounds? and a new pic... Still not so convinced about the bottle placement... I'm a rightie and i like using the inside of my right ring finger to squeeze (i almost always thumb my fire butons). having...