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  1. R

    The Flavour Mill - Flavour Request Thread

    Loranne watermelon please for the no fly list.
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    Capella - No Flyers - Pre Order

    30ml cake batter, 30ml sugar cookie and 30ml lemon meringue pie please @DizZa
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    Vapecon 2016 - Juice tasting?

    Opus will have subvods setup for both classic and vintage ranges. Just bring your drip tip.
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    Brilliant Service

    Yep that's my experience too. Great work guys.
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    Calling all DIY'ers

    For flavouring duh... Jokes. But serious. Your best bet to learn the flavours and get an idea of what does what, is mix the flavours as a 10% solution standalone and try them for yourself. There's literally hundred if not thousands of flavours, making single posts to find out what each one does...
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    Calling all DIY'ers

    7. Sweet cream is a sweet cream, bavarian cream is a sweet cream with an almost marshmallow flavour. 8. Capella chocolate glazed is the best if you want chocolate doughnut, capella glazed doughnut is better that TFA frosted doughnut.
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    Valley Vapour - Flavour Log

    You rock thanks @drew !
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    how do I lower my nic in already made DIY?

    You'll dilute the flavour by adding VG, I would mix another 30mls of the same recipe with out any nic and just add it to that 40ml you have left, that should be more or less 2mg, maybe someone can do that exact maths for you ;)
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    Valley Vapour - Flavour Log

    FW tres leches, FA aurora, INW Shisha vanilla and INW Grapes, LA watermelon please @drew!
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    Low nicotine with HEAVY throat hit

    You mind sharing your recipe? I find that some flavours also have a throat hit, most noticeably the citrus flavours orange, lemon etc. EM (ethyl maltol) sometimes helps take the edge off. Here's a nice rundown of every possible reason your juice could be coming out harsh. I would experiment and...
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    Buying empty glass dripper bottles

    These guys have clear ones. Just bought from them excellent service. Also great range of concentrates and good prices:
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    E-pipe enthusiasts

    I haven't seen anything, maybe a gap in the market for our local mod makers?
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    E-pipe enthusiasts

    These are the ones you're looking for:
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    Flavour Concentrate Requests

    I'd like to get hold of Inawera Shisha vanilla. I hear good things.
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    Not a Clone, Unicorn Milk

    Give this one a try if you haven't already: Mustard Milk - Simple Strawberries and Cream Ingredient % Strawberry (TPA) 6 Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 8
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    Not a Clone, Unicorn Milk

    Yep tried it, it's good, not mind blowing or anything but very decent recipe. I've never tried unicorn milk so can't comment on the similarity, From what I've read though it's not the real recipe.