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  1. cfm78910

    As the vaping culture takes hold, many turn from smoking and many critics worry

    If teens want to vape, let them! If we don't encourage them to vape they'll smoke anyway. Many of us started smoking as teens, I wish there was an alternative when I took up the habit!
  2. cfm78910

    Fears of changing to vaping

    I tried to stop smoking so many times (and failed) I gave up and accepted I'll always be a smoker. My biggest fear was the cravings, I get them real bad and didn't give vaping much of a chance. I will be lying if I had to say the first few weeks were easy, they were terrible. But after a few...
  3. cfm78910

    British American Tobaco Company Product Range

    Good point. It just irritates me that first they do everything they can to kill off ecigs but now that they are realizing that's not going to happen they start making ecigs themselves.
  4. cfm78910

    New Addition to the Family

    I'm with @Andre on this one. I have the iStick 30w and love it to bits, it's the only mod I use all day, every day. The battery lasts me 4 days, heck, I go on business trips to Johannesburg and don't even take the charger with. And it recharges in a little more than an hour. Can't recommend...
  5. cfm78910

    Vape Mob - Retailer Reviews

    Vape Mob ROCKS!
  6. cfm78910

    British American Tobaco Company Product Range

    Oooh, Green Smoke almost put me off vaping for life. Besides the generally poor performance for me the biggest issue with cigalikes was the size and weight of the things. It may look like a cigarette on steroids but it doesn't feel like a cigarette between your fingers or when hanging from...
  7. cfm78910

    What Did You Vape Today?

    I am on a bit of a Nicoticket binge at the moment: The Virus - my ADV for many months now Custard's Last Stance - great juice Absolute Creme Brulee - tasted this on @ShaneW Reo yesterday, it is awesome. Will order this one next All the above on my trusty iStick 30w/Nautilus Mini
  8. cfm78910

    British American Tobaco Company Product Range

    Big Tobacco won't get another cent from me so BAT can keep their stuff!
  9. cfm78910

    New Twisp Products

    I'm not slating their devices. I am grateful for what they are doing right, for creating an awareness that there is an alternative to smoking. Granted, they do help some people come off stinkies, I know 2 people who stopped smoking with Twisp and still use Twisp. But there is another side to...
  10. cfm78910

    New Twisp Products

    Familiar Twisp dense and flavo Familiar Twisp dense and flavorful draw. Oh please.
  11. cfm78910

    New Twisp Products

    Good luck to them, the ship sailed a long time ago. If their previous device is anything to go by it will cost too much and underperform. Not interested.
  12. cfm78910

    VapeCon Street Pole Adverts Are Live

    Well done guys! I was so hoping for a business trip around those dates but no such luck, I'm going to JNB next week. Maybe we can host this in Cape Town next year!
  13. cfm78910

    Reo Grand for Sale

    Wi Will you PM me so we can do the necessary? If a moderator could please remove this thread.
  14. cfm78910

    Reo Grand for Sale

    Jeez, this was the easiest sale ever! Blink and you miss it! Johan, I sent my details to you as requested in your PM but I'll leave it up to you to decide. @Andre - there is nothing wrong with the Reo but I'm not up to the tinkering, coil building, experimenting part of it. I know it's no...
  15. cfm78910

    Reo Grand for Sale

    Hi Guys I can't get into the Reo thing, no offence to anyone. I used it 3 or 4 times so it is practically brand new. LP Reo Grand Black Anodized Silver Reomizer 2 Spare positive contact x 1 Spare hot spring x 1 O-rings x 2 Spare screws x 2 Spare 6ml bottles x 4 Fire Button Cover x 1 I paid...
  16. cfm78910

    Calling all higher nic vapers (18mg and 12mg)

    I see my name fell off the liat. 18mg all the time for me.
  17. cfm78910

    Easy Napkin Smoking Vs Vaping Test

    Scary stuff. And that was just one pull on the cigarette. No wonder smoking kills so many people. We are very lucky indeed that we have an alternative now. This simple test really drives home a very powerful message.
  18. cfm78910

    Twisp Batteries

    I agree with @Silver. Get yourself an iStick and Nautilus Mini. The battery lasts me 4 days and takes about 90 minutes to charge to full. You will find vapour production and taste on a different planet to Twisp. Twisp is absurdly overpriced for what it is.
  19. cfm78910

    SnowWolf 200watt with Temp

    No wonder we are having an energy crisis!
  20. cfm78910

    Dr Farsalinos comments on some junk science

    Is it just me or are people fonally seeing through all the BS? How much longer can the so called experts and health authorities hide behind their inability to use Google? For anyone wanting to know the truth there is a wealth of research and information out there and most of it positive for...