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  1. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    That koopor looks awesome
  2. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Someone was looking for kanger sub tank nickel coils a week back. You still looking?
  3. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Thanks @DaRoach
  4. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    More like a gem or 50
  5. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    So I am a tinkerer myself (mostly with arduino projects). Where did you learn to wire the DNa 200. ?
  6. Average vapor Joe

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    @DaRoach have you though about getting the Hammond box painted or covered or something and maybe puttin a mi-tech switch on it. It would look amazing
  7. Average vapor Joe

    Velocity clones.

    I've had both versions of the lemaga and I have the ivogo. The ivogo is much much smaller than the lemaga and has much sturdier post screws. The first lemaga had a terrible positive post that comes loose very easily and is a pain. That issue has been fixed quite nicely. The lemaga has a very...
  8. Average vapor Joe

    Clone squonker

    Hey guys just a question. Why do reos need special sub ohm springs and and stuff. Just wondering? :)
  9. Average vapor Joe

    This Ad just made my Weekend!! LOL

    That was very nicely done
  10. Average vapor Joe


    There are a lot of videos on YouTube you could have a squizz at some of those. That's the only way I can really help
  11. Average vapor Joe

    Vape porn - coil builds

    If only wire was cheaper here in SA. I find it hella funny how all the gauges here are the same price and are made by lemaga. CHINA WIRE IS MORE EXPESIVE THAN TEMPCO
  12. Average vapor Joe

    Clone squonker

    Hey just in case anyone was wondering. If you're looking for regulated squonking. It seems that the vaporflask DNa 40 squonk has dropped to $200 on the vaporshark site. Happy vaping :)
  13. Average vapor Joe

    The Kayfun Epiphany

    Where did you get those post screws. They are much nicer than the stock 528 screws. I am struggling atm
  14. Average vapor Joe

    The Kayfun Epiphany

    Damn Paulie8--). You aren't playing any games with these rta's. ;)
  15. Average vapor Joe

    The Kayfun Epiphany

    Also on a side note I think the mini version looks amazing
  16. Average vapor Joe

    The Kayfun Epiphany

    Show us some up close pics please. Specifically the RTA build section
  17. Average vapor Joe

    Advice Please - From the Professionals

    Do you mind an rta or are you looking specifically for a coil head tank?