I cant say thank you enough to @Sir Vape . So patient with all my requests and questions. Shying away from no questions I asked, no matter how noob / dumb they were.
Got my iPV4s, Velocity V2, iPv4s sleeve, Titanium coil and some Cotton Bacon today. Was delivered by 10 am this morning.
any chance you would sell the IPV instead? :P looking for one so bad. But if you still have this available at the end of the month, I will take it off your hands
Thanks for the advise. Appreciate the time you took for A: reading my post and B: replying. Will look into getting one of the drippers you suggested :)
Afternoon all, I'm "new" to the vaping world. Was on an iTaste MVP 2.0 with Nautilus, but then fell off the wagon and reverted to my prior evil ways. I have now been cigarette free for 2 weeks. Last week i got myself a Hana Mod (v3 mini) and the Kanger Subox Mini starter kit.
These 2 have since...