I know ive seen another store besides eciggies selling the black kayfun 3.1 , but for the life of me i just cant seem to find it. Anybody know off the yop of the head who stocks them?
Alrite , so i want to get into rebuilding and was wondering what kinda cotton can be used? Is there any normal shops or pharmacies that sell organic cotton or sterile cotton( i think it was that) or amythin i dont have to order from a vapeshop since theyre closed over december?
I have a clk1280 and love the device a lot. I use a aerotank mega on it and its super consiatent. Bt i admit i have ordered a cana dna30 because in time this device will not be sufficient anymore. Just my 5cents
Alrite so i bought an mvp off some1 here on the cladsifieds. Received it , (this was last week) stuck my aerotank mega on it and it wouldnt work. Got home checked it out , eventually got it working , but reading my 1.8ohm coils at random resistances. I let the guy know it wasnt working properly...
Any1 tried the hana clone from vapeclub? And has anybody tried the heatvape kayfun 3.1? didnt know where to put this question , sorry if this is not the place!