I don't post as much here but can really relate to the above article. Been full circle in my vaping journey and still going strong.
Twisp then Pro tanks on Vision Spinners, Various Wattage devices the last few months. Even a Reo with Nuppin and more recently
Evic VT with Sub tank and temperature...
Wow that's really concerning- have had my fair share of Five Pawns over the last few months :confused:. Hopefully nothing as serious as the 40 Marlboro lights I used to smoke a day. :wasntme:
Danke Herr Dampf Master! :) Wawohl zeee vaping bag looks cool ja! :rofl:
Tom what is the vape scene like in Germany now? What about gear and shops? Is it more developed than SA?
Is gear easily obtainable?
Ok- here I am and it will be 7 weeks of vaping tomorrow o_O. Confession time- had a stinky at work on Thursday. After 6 and a half weeks stinky free. I could slap myself now! :banghead: Spank spank slap slap ouch....
I blamed stress, pressure, an unbearable desire. I wanted it I needed it, I had...