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  1. Hendrik2vape

    Mossel Bay/george Vape Meet

    I made a group/ ekt n groep gemaak stuur aan my n whats app met die boodskap ek vape en ek bly in bv. george dan add ek almal so kan ons begin deur n vape gemeenskap te begin
  2. Hendrik2vape

    What Did You Vape Today?

    Loving my Smok Xcube 2 160w TC Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hendrik2vape

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hello nicoleJ i realy like the royal hunter RDA and stilare RDA it has nice flavour I would recomend the Royal Hunter Or the koiler AFC RDA
  4. Hendrik2vape

    Mossel Bay/george Vape Meet

    we have a beach house there and i go to mosselbay and hartenbos alot we could orginise something for maybe desember and it could be a millestone in history for the area:rock:
  5. Hendrik2vape

    The Blow a circle challenge

    Will do so thanx Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hendrik2vape

    The Blow a circle challenge

    Who would like me to do a tips and trick video on you tube on how to do O's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Hendrik2vape

    The Blow a circle challenge

    The best way to blow a circle is to make your mouth like an O and trie a tipe of caught sound (push action) at the back of your throat Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hendrik2vape

    The Blow a circle challenge

    A screen grab from my trick video i tried
  9. Hendrik2vape

    SA Cloud Blowing pics and Videos

    They told me to get my head out of the clouds Now i make them
  10. Hendrik2vape

    New koiler afc rda Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hendrik2vape

    New koiler afc rda

    Its available in canada Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hendrik2vape

    New koiler afc rda

  13. Hendrik2vape

    What Did You Vape Today?

    I vaped this koiler rda Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hendrik2vape

    Whats under the cap?

    I also love my zipper coils [emoji7] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hendrik2vape

    Whats under the cap?

    Looks nice Dirge awesome flavour Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hendrik2vape

    Whats under the cap?

    Some color shot of that clapton Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Hendrik2vape

    Whats under the cap?

    S Sorry man i just added the other choice enjoy
  18. Hendrik2vape

    Whats under the cap?

    The staple/arched clapton coil is under my hood now whats underneath yours ?
  19. Hendrik2vape

    Stock the beskraal line

    50pg/50vg Also custom mix avalabe were you could pic the ratio New flavour just added Pango/ pinaple and mango Peanana/ peanutbutter and bananna