Thanks everyone...Thats why I love this forum, You people all rock :rock: I will see how it goes when I get my Vanilla MOD as it will be easy to identify where the problem lies MOD or ATTY :)
Thanks for that @Gazzacpt, I now also remember seeing a post from someone mentioning the use of a kitchen rubber glove they cut up which also worked pretty well. Will get me some leather :cool:
Hi fellow Vapers
For some reason I have gremlins (On steroids) that tighten my atty onto my Sigelei as I really really battle to get it off.
This often happens with my Aerotank Mega and the last straw was my Kayfun 3.1. I don't over tighten any atty onto the Sigelei but somehow I need the jaws...
It's nice to get a few opinions over vape gear/juices and so on. Its like watching Jeremey Clarkson from top gear, he has is a vetran in the motor industry and has a vast knowledge/history on vehicles but we know that he is biast to certain manufacturers. Thats why I have a few favourites as I...
@Rob Fisher, You must watch the first video. Its got your name written all over it 8--) I know im getting one!!! Watch from about 5:10 if you dont want to hear the entire evolution of E-Cigs and cartomizers..
@MarkK, I almost just posted this exact video :doh: Nice find there! I found another short clip from "suck my mod" Nice addition to the thread, hope you dont mind.
@Mike, wow that atty looks totally wicked! The post design looks CRAZY & a solid clone by the looks of it :rock:
When you looking at ordering? I must just be watch the cashflow but looks totally worth it!!
@devdev, I have forgiven those little furry critters eons ago and have learnt to appreciate the special characteristics they offer.... EF for the win!
I will also try that whole take your Ewok Fur to the vape wash... Wash/rinse/dry then dry burn. I got it people watch this "Space"
Ok this might me a blonde question but is there any need to worry if the coil goes black? I think its from the Witchers brew that is burnt onto the coil.
Im assuming with the use of EwokFur there shouldnt be any need for concern but just wanted to clarify.:wondering:
Just thought I should let everyone know that I managed to use the IGO W4 on the MVP 2.0, 0.8ohm.
Wow totally impressed with the MVP :rock:
Ran it on about 9W and it worked like a charm ;-)
This one is definitely out of the blue... It's one of Pbursado's reviews so if you have some extra uncapped bandwidth to burn bring out the popcorn. For those with limited bandwidth skip to 42:00 minutes in.
Not really sure this MOD is going to be a extremely popular ...