1. Completely Stop Smoking ( On Day 8 atm)
2. Write more non-biased reviews on both local and international juices
3. Embrace the Mech Life
4. Put a Dna chip in my fried minikin V1.2
5. Get back into fitness :D
6. Contribute more , with reviews and maybe starting a Youtube channel for south...
Juice Review #1
Chill’d Tobacco by Cosmic Fog :
This Juice blew my mind beyond any and all comprehension , I have always had a special place for cosmic fogs’s juices ( specifically Sonrise !! , review to follow soon ) , the juice itself had a very dark yellow colour which clearly indicates a...
Upgrades :D , For all the gamers post pics and specs of your setups in my pc master race thread found in off topic ( really want a pc hardware thread going !)