I had that issue with the iClear as well first time I used it.
Let it soak for a bit, if it's still not better, try uncurling the hanging part of the wicks. Did that to mine, and it's 100 times better now!
This forum is truly unique. Where else can a thread go from vapers fatigue to what spreads you like in just 2 posts.
PS. You are all wrong! Black Cat peanut butter is BAWS
If there is something like this then may I propose that each catagory is split in 2, one for SA made, one for imported
As for top 5, mine is:
5. VK Bubblegum
4. VM Choc Mint
3. VE Pink Spot
2. VK Cheesecake
1. VM Cookie Dough (VM4 to the rest of the world ;-))
The Taste Box is causing me...
I know, I know, 11W is not enough, but I have seen people using MVPs with Kayfuns and even drippers.
So I want to know, what RBAs can be used on an MVP, how much real life performance do you lose because of the 11W limit, and what does it look like with those hunks of Stainless Steel/Brass on...