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  1. Raslin

    Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

    Today four years ago, I walked into Clearwater mall, killing a cig as I walked in. Went to the Twisp kiosk and bought a Twisp. Walked out 15min later a vaper. I never smoked another stinky. A big part of the reason for my success has been this forum. So thanks folks its been a flavourful four...
  2. Raslin

    Vaping Gamers

    Any Star Citizen players here? Just bit tge bullet and bought a ship. Looks like the vape budget is going to be replaced soon.
  3. Raslin

    Vaping Gamers

    Phoenix, pacman and 100 other atari games. First pc games Leisure Suit Larry and Kings Quest
  4. Raslin

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks for the birthday wishes folks. Habing a great day so far. Even received a coppervape to add to my squonker collection.
  5. Raslin

    Newbie wanting to mix

    Agree with all the above, ejuciemeup is a great calculator. I have been vaping diy exclusively for about 2 years now. Costs me about 1k every three months or so.
  6. Raslin

    Who is the longest vapor here?

    Started on the original twisp cig-a like in 2010. Lasted about three months just to messy. 31 July 2017 will be three years as an exclusive vaper.
  7. Raslin

    Repair shop for vapes out of warranty

    Does he have a website?
  8. Raslin

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks Guys. Appreciate the wishes.
  9. Raslin

    1 or 2 Flavour DIY Recipes

    Black liquorice 6% Anise 3% Absinthe 3% I call it Black vapour, awesome flavour.
  10. Raslin

    Nicest coffee concentrate

    Here is my go to coffee mix atm. Found it on ELR. It uses a few coffees mentioned above. Mooses Creamy Coffee 5% Cup of Joe (CAP) 3% Dark Bean (Coffee Espresso) (FA) 1% Italian Relax (Cappuccino) (FA) 2% Meringue (FA) 0.2% MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 5% Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) I leave the MTS out
  11. Raslin

    Vaping to be legalisted in NZ

    A win from down under....
  12. Raslin

    What did you Mix today?

    I am running low on adv stock so mixed some stables this afternoon. 1. Simple pineapple - TFA Pineapple @10%, 3mg, 50/50. 2. Apple Sour. 3. Monster Melons 4. Mango Crack 5.Gush Clone 6.Simple TFA Musk@ 10 %. Very strong for my tastes but my son loves it. 200mls of each should last for a while.
  13. Raslin

    Discovery non smoker declaration 2017

    Hi Guys, vaping is classified as smoking. The declaration states that you do it smoke or Vape. I am so disappointed as I am quite proud that I have not smoked for more than two years.
  14. Raslin

    Discovery non smoker declaration 2017

    So I just did the wellness assessment at the gym today. The non smoker declaration now includes vaping.
  15. Raslin

    BF Rogue RDA

    @shabbar. I will take it thank you.
  16. Raslin

    Pico squeeze bottles

    I feel for you dude. I missioned to get bottles like @Silver said. Will a dripbox bottle fit? Post a pic of the bottle. If it fits u will give you two of mine.
  17. Raslin

    Tennessee Fire

    11% Tfa cinnamon is way to high, I would go for 2-3% and increase the Bourbon to about 6%. Just my 2cw
  18. Raslin

    2 X Gaming Keyboards

    Pics please
  19. Raslin

    What are your new year vape resolutions - 2017 ?

    @Silver, will keep you posted. Planning is underway. I think it's going to be epic.
  20. Raslin

    What are your new year vape resolutions - 2017 ?

    1. Keep vaping. 2. Build up a sealed backup kit, for when my current squonkers die. 3. Build a dedicated Diy station. 4. Add a few more Awesome ADV's to the lineup.